
Personality test

Scientifically proven

Our free DISG personality test helps you in 3 minutesUnderstanding your personal behavior - and living your strengths to the fullest.

Start now with your individual personality development.

It's that easy

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Answer 16 questions

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The DISC model
4 behavioural dimensions

Find out what personality type you are


Makes decisions quickly
Isn’t afraid of risks or conflicts
Likes a competitive atmosphere
Sets up their own rules


Establishes connections
with others quickly
Finds it easy to express feelings
Forms the connections
between people
Enjoys the spotlight


Completes tasks accurately
Plans things carefully
Expects a lot of themselves
Has an analytical mindset


Likes familiar processes
Listens carefully
and shows understanding
Wants to be supportive
Wants to maintain peace

Find out what really drives you

Find your motivation

Being aware of your strengths is the key to success. 

In order to achieve personal growth, you need to understand what drives you on the inside and what still prevents you from developing your full potential.

To find this out, Prof. Dr. John G. Geier developed the DISC behavioral model on which our FREE personality test is based.
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About us

Our mission is to enable every person to find their path to self-realization.
With the Greator personality test you take the first step on your journey to yourself.

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